Gore does not make any claims that GORE® Particulate Hoods would cure, prevent, or reduce any disease or condition, including cancer. While a number of industry studies show disproportionately high rates of cancer in firefighters, the links between very specific sources, the routes of exposure, and the impact are still an area of appropriately intense study. Organizations such as the NFPA are supportive of enabling firefighters to choose hoods that block potentially harmful fireground particles, and Gore has created a particulate-blocking hood that is certified to the NFPA 1971 Standard requirements, 2018 Edition, for the particulate-blocking hood option.
While the industry might hope that Gore's hoods can help address the issue of firefighter cancer, Gore thinks that making such a definitive statement does not reflect either the science to date or the approach Gore takes in making claims about its products. Gore does say that it will make the best-in-class hoods, exceeding the NFPA 1971 standard, providing exceptional particulate-blocking capabilities in a highly durable and comfortable product. And Gore believes that using particulate-blocking hoods is a prudent choice to reduce a firefighter's exposure to potentially harmful fireground particulates, consistent with recommendations from a range of trusted organizations aligned with firefighter health and well-being.
At Gore, we believe we are making a great product for firefighters, as we always strive to do; however, it is very important that we are clear about what we say our products will do, and we will not extend those claims beyond what the best science can confidently support to date. We hope that you can understand and appreciate this position, particularly in light of such a serious concern for firefighters.